Dr. Maja Krzic
Faculty of Land and Food Systems / Faculty of Forestry,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Maja is a Professor of Soil Science with a joint appointment in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems and Faculty of Forestry at UBC. Her current research focuses on development of soil quality indicators for assessing management impacts on grassland soils, forest soil response to severe mechanical disturbance, and soil compaction susceptibility. In her work, Maja integrates research, teaching, and community education through application of information technology. In 2006, she received the UBC Killam Teaching Award for her innovative efforts in teaching.
Kent Watson, MSc
Natural Resource Science Program,
Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC
Kent specializes in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems, and Soil Science. He teaches Introduction to Study of Soils (FRST 200) and Geographic Information Systems (NRSC 223) and Forest Mensuration (NRSC 211) courses. He is also president of International Remote Sensing Surveys Ltd., which specializes in aerial photography, soil and vegetation surveys, remote sensing, photo interpretation and mapping using GIS.
Scott Smith, MSc
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,
Summerland, BC
Scott’s research interests include pleistocene paleoenviromental reconstruction, thermal regimes of permafrost affected soils, soil survey, agriculture capability and ecological mapping, development of national agri-environmental indicators, assessment of crop water requirements in the Okanagan Valley in response to climate change, GIS modeling of land use, climate and landscape processes, and development of spatial databases in support of entomological research. He is the National Study Leader with the Land Resource Inventory.
Stephanie Grand
University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC
Stephanie was a PhD candidate in the Resource Management and Environmental Studies program at UBC. Her thesis focuses on the effects of logging on soil organic matter, soil chemistry and mineralogy. Stephanie has been involved in post-secondary education for about five years and has helped develop educational material used in lab manuals and various course websites. She has taught two soil science courses for UBC in the past and is currently an instructor at the University of Denver for distance education courses, including Introduction to Natural Resource Management and Impacts of Recreational Use.
Dr. Art Bomke
Faculty of Land and Food Systems,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Art was raised on a small farm in Illinois, did his university education in that state at Southern Illinois University (B.Sc. and M.Sc.) and the University of Illinois (Ph.D.) and immigrated to British Columbia almost four decades ago. Art’s educational background is in Agronomy, specifically soil and crop management; and he has taught courses on soil fertility and management since his arrival at UBC. Art has also had opportunities to explore social dimensions of agricultural systems. Since coming to UBC, he has conducted research on both inorganic and organic fertilization, nitrogen cycling, and cropping systems. Most of the work is done in partnership with farmers and other participants in food systems. Art is a strong proponent of small-scale agriculture, including organic and urban systems, and the need to strengthen community food systems.
Chris Crowley, MET
Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Chris is an Instructional Designer for UBC’s Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, where he has produced and directed many educational television productions. He recently completed the Master of Educational Technology degree, and is now working in the design, development and delivery of online courses in a number of subject areas, including Soil Science. Chris also has a background in Agricultural Science, Film Studies and, inexplicably, Morris Dancing.
Saeed Dyanatkar
UBC Studios and Emerging Media Lab,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Saeed is a media producer with a diverse background in engineering, photography, film-making and information technology. Saeed is the founder of Neev Media and the New Windows Society.
He is also the associate publisher of The Source / la Source newspaper
Gabriel Lascu
Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Gabriel provides project management, leadership, and production expertise in the design and preparation of educational content for the distance courses (illustrations, complex imagery, advanced photo retouching, animated processes for multimedia and web, corporate and promotional materials and directs photo shoots). Gabriel has a background in Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Multimedia, Computer Aided Design, Desktop Publishing and Engineering. He’s very passionate about Photography, Bird Watching, Digiscoping as well as Graphics & Illustration.